Dr. B. Keith Jones

Dr. B. Keith Jones is CEO of B. Keith Jones Planning and Consulting LLC (BKJP&C), bringing experienced leadership to BKJPC. The firm uses multiple supports and subject matter experts with whom Dr. Jones has collaborated. Dr. began working at the policy and implementation level in 2008, where he spent five years developing and implementing policy and auditing. Before retiring in May of 2021, he spent eight years at the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice policy development level. He helped with Criminal Justice Reform in Georgia, beginning with the adult prison system and then serving on the governor's steering team for Juvenile Justice Reform. He oversaw the development of DJJ's first Strategic Framework for Reentry Services. He has served as project manager for multiple initiatives and was responsible for program implementation fidelity and coordination of training while supporting data collection and analysis with Georgia DJJ and Georgia DOC.

Community Perspective

With his professional accomplishments and his perspective on local governments serving his 5th term as county commissioner, Dr. Jones enhances his Resume’ and understanding of public policy. He believes in sharing knowledge and mobilizing community resources.

Thanks to a powerful sermon entitled “YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS” by my Pastor Mikeal Lovejoy, on January 21, 2021, the trajectory of my life’s course was changed. At the age of 53, and after years of contemplating when I would enter retirement from a profession to which I had devoted my life, I decided on March 4, 2021, when I hit send on an email to then Georgia DJJ Commissioner Tyrone Oliver. My life was changed in that emotionally draining moment in time. I understand my life’s calling, and as difficult as it seems sometimes, it is “MY REASONABLE SERVICE”. The Lord called me to serve, and THAT I plan to do.